Evolution of Dynamical Structures in Complex Systems
Proceedings of the International Symposium Stuttgart, July 16–17, 1992 Rudolf Friedrich & Arne Wunderlin (editors)
"Evolution of Dynamical Structures in Complex Systems" is dedicated to the founder of synergetics, Hermann Haken, on the occasion of his 65th birthday. This volume is an attempt to gather together and review the new results and de velopments achieved by researchers from various fields during the last few years.
On the Principles of Synergetics - Wunderlin, A. Seiten 3-41
Elements of a Synergetics of Evolutionary Processes - Ebeling, W. Seiten 42-64
Nonequilibrium Potentials - Graham, R. (et al.) Seiten 65-79
Spatio-Temporal Instabilities in Nonlinear Optical Systems - Brambilla, M. (et al.) Seiten 83-99
The Laser with a Saturable Absorber: A Paradigm for the Study of Laser Instabilities - Dangoisse, D. (et al.) Seiten 100-113
Dislocations in Laser Fields - Weiss, C. O. (et al.) Seiten 114-136
On the Role of Noise in Nonlinear Optics - Schenzle, A. Seiten 137-162
Pattern Formation in Fluids — Variational and Non-Variational Models - Bestehorn, M. Seiten 165-196
Dynamic Theory of Planetary Magnetism and Laboratory Experiments - Busse, F. H. Seiten 197-208
Influence of Colored Noise on Energy Transport and Optical Line Shapes in Dimers - Warns, Ch. (et al.) Seiten 209-219
Coordination Dynamics of Human Brain and Behavior - Kelso, J. A. S. Seiten 223-234
Brain Electric Fields and Brain Functional States - Lehmann, D. Seiten 235-248
Synergetic Analysis of Human Electroencephalograms: Petit-Mal Epilepsy - Friedrich, R. (et al.) Seiten 249-265
Synergetics, Resonance Phenomena and Brain Internal Codes - Basar, E. (et al.) Seiten 266-271
Synergetics, Self-Simplification, and the Ability to Undo - Meijer, O. G. (et al.) Seiten 272-298
Artificial Life: An Engineering Perspective - Mikhailov, A. Seiten 301-312
Path Finding with a Network of Oscillators - Babloyantz, A. (et al.) Seiten 313-320
Synergetic Approach to Phenomena of Perception in Natural and Artificial Systems - Ditzinger, T. (et al.) Seiten 321-338
Application of Synergetics to Psychology - Schiepek, G. Seiten 341-381
Organization and Self-Organization - Tschacher, W. (et al.) Seiten 382-391
Schelling’s Concept of Self-Organization - Heuser-Keßler, M.-L. Seiten 393-415
Springer Proceedings in Physics - Volume 69
Springer, Hardback, english, 415 pages