Inner-Shell and X-Ray Physics of Atoms and Solids
Edited by Derek J. Fabian, Hans Kleinpoppen, and Lewis M. WatsonA wide range of atomic and solid state phenomena is studied today by means of x-ray excitation or inner-shell ionization, as this volume strikingly illustrates. The strong link between these two fields of investigation is partly the result of the extensive developments within each and also largely due to the broad variety of theoretical and experimental techniques now available. All im portant recent advances are to be found highlighted here; most are substantially reviewed. Two dominant research threads are evident in, the chapters of this book. While clearly distinguishable, they are inescapably en twined. One is concerned with x-ray processes as probes for the study of solid-state effects, the other with the measurement and interpretation of inner-shell and bremsstrahlung processes in iso lated systems. In the first, a given material is made the target in an x-ray tube; in the second, free atoms form the target while a solid material can be used when the effect of the solid environ ment on the excitation processes is negligible. Thus, although inner-shell ionization is predominantly concerned with atoms and x-ray processes with the solid state, there are large regions of overlap which have arisen when a given research technique has de veloped from studies in both areas. To bring out these features we have arranged the chapters in the order: atomic, solid-state, chemical.
Particle-photon coincidences and ion-impact studies in inner-shell excitation
Heavy-ion impact inner-shell excitation
Angular correlation in inner-shell processes
Particle-impact resonant and auger effects
Heavy-ion collisions and multiple ionization
Particle-impact condensed matter and chemical effects
Theory of particle-impact vacancy production
Theory of inner-shell vacancies in atoms and ionization accompanying nuclear decay
Inner-shell vacancies by electron impact
Impact parameter dependence in inner-shell ionization
Bremsstrahlung emission and Compton scattering
Inner-shell photoionization and auger emission
Photoelectron and x-ray resonant effects
Photoemission and auger spectra of solids
Many body effects in photoelectron auger and x-ray spectra
X-ray emission and photoemission studies of amorphous and crystalline materials
Electronic structure of alloys: X-ray and electronic emission
EXAFS and x-ray absorption
Chemical bonding inter-metallic and self-absorption effects in x-ray spectra
Plasma diagnostics x-ray optics and instrumental and measurement techniques
Physics of Atoms and Molecules Series
Plenum Press, Paperback, english, 950 pages