Genomes of Plants and Animals
21st Stadler Genetics Symposium
Edited by J. Perry Gustafson and R.B. Flavell
This volume brings together the disciplines of plant and animal genome research, and serves as an opportunity for scientists from both fields to compare results, problems and prospects.
Assessing Genetic Diversity in Plants with Synthetic Tandem Repetitive DNA Probes - Rogstad, Steven H. - pages 1-14
Microsatellite Heterozygosity: Functional Constraints on the Development and Use of Comprehensive Genomic Maps for Livestock - Beattie, Craig W. - pages 15-29
Applications of DNA Fingerprints for the Study of Genetic Structure of Human Populations - McComb, J. (et al.) - pages 31-46
Progress Toward a Transcript Map of the Human Genome - Kerlavage, Anthony R. (et al.) - pages 47-56
Toward the Construction of an Integrated Genetic and Physical Map of Rice - Yano, Masahiro (et al.) - pages 57-71
Physical Mapping of the Arabidopsis thaliana Genome - Stammers, Melanie (et al.) - pages 73-86
Molecular Markers, Forest Genetics, and Tree Breeding - O’Malley, D. M. (et al.) - pages 87-102
Commonalities and Contrasts in the Organization of the Maize and Sorghum Nuclear Genomes - Bennetzen, Jeffrey L. (et al.) - pages 103-113
Prospects for Comparative Genome Analyses Among Mammals - Lyons, Leslie A. (et al.) - pages 115-125
Genome Analysis in Farm Animals - Womack, James E. - pages 127-137
Soybean Genome Organization: Evolution of a Legume Genome - Shoemaker, Randy (et al.) - pages 139-150
Comparative Cereal Genome Analysis-Reconstructing the Ancestral Cereal Genome - Moore, Graham - pages 151-158
A Responsive Regulatory System is Revealed by Sense Suppression of Pigment Genes in Petunia Flowers - Jorgensen, Richard A. (et al.) - pages 159-176
Escherichia Coli — Functional and Evolutionary Implications of Genome Scale Computer-Aided Protein Sequence Analysis - Koonin, Eugene V. (et al.) - pages 177-210
A Pairing-Looping Model for Position-Effect Variegation in Drosophila - Henikoff, Steven - pages 211-242
Matrix Attachment Regions and Transgene Expression - Thompson, William F. (et al.) - pages 243-269
The Mercurial Germline Genome of Hypotrichous Ciliates - Prescott, David M. (et al.) - pages 271-279
Mathematical Meiotic Models of Genome Analysis: Comparison With Molecular Approaches - Sybenga, J. - pages 281-304
Genome Research — Implications for Science and Society - Flavell, R. B. - pages 305-309
Plenum Press, Stadler Genetics Symposia Series, Hardback, english, 320 pages