Vladimir Genin • Russian Composing School CD
Slava zemle Russkoj (Praise to the Russian Land) 1:52
Knjaz Andrej prozvaniem Bogoljubnyj (Prince Andrei, Called Bogoluby (Beloved of God)) 4:44
A v pole konjushok svischet (There's Stable Lad Whistling in the Field) 2:01
Vo lesu, lesu dremuchem (In the Woods, the Deep Woods) 5:44
Knjazhe moj, gospodine (My Prince, My Master) 4:20
V'zli kolodezja (Near the Well) 1:55
Ubienie Knjazja Andreja (Prince Andrei's Assassination) 19:34
Olga Yangoreva, Irina Snezhina, Alexei krasnov, Vladimir Zavazalsky, Anatoly Safiulin etc.
RCD Records / Talents of Russia